
Pediatric Red Eyes

Pediatric Red Eyes

Pediatric Red Eyes services offered in Foster City, CA

Red eyes are a common condition in children and can be due to a wide variety of reasons.  If you or your child’s pediatrician are concerned about red eyes in your child, highly skilled pediatric ophthalmologist, Elena Nguyen, MD, at ENvision Eye Care in Foster City, California, can help determine what’s causing your child’s red eyes and find the best treatment for them.  To learn more, call ENvision Eye Care or request an appointment online today.  

Pediatric Red Eyes Q & A

What are some common causes of red eyes in children?

Red eyes in children are most commonly caused by:

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Allergies
  • Traumatic injury
  • Foreign object
  • Styes/ blepharitis (inflamed eyelids)

Less common but potentially vision-threatening causes of red eyes in children include infantile/ congenital glaucoma, corneal ulcer, preseptal or orbital cellulitis, infected tear duct, or uveitis, etc.

If the redness in your child’s eye decreases quickly or goes away on its own, a visit to ENvision Eye Care may not be necessary.  However, if the redness persists or affects your child’s vision, proper evaluation and treatment are essential to prevent damage to your child’s eyes.

What are some easy treatments for red eyes in my child?

There are a few at-home treatments you can try to reduce your child’s eye redness before seeking professional help.

First, you should try to prevent your child from scratching or rubbing their eyes to prevent their symptoms from worsening.

If the redness and irritation persist, over the counter eye drops such as preservative-free artificial tears or allergy eye drops can improve some of your child’s symptoms.  Avoid eye drop brands that say “redness relief” because they may contain chemicals that can constrict the blood vessels in the eyes and make the irritation worse in the long run.

If these at-home remedies don’t work, professional help may be necessary.  If you’re unsure of what’s causing your child’s red eyes or how to treat it, the team at ENvision Eye Care can help.

When should I seek medical help for my child’s red eyes?

If your child experiences other symptoms in addition to their red eyes, it could indicate a much more severe issue than allergies or eyelid inflammation.  You should call ENvision Eye Care or seek emergency care immediately for your child’s red eyes if they have any of these symptoms:

  • Vision loss
  • Double vision
  • Severe pain
  • Eye bulging/ swelling
  • Fever
  • Nausea/ vomiting
  • Decreased energy level/ not behaving like themselves

If your child has one or more of these symptoms along with persistent eye redness or if they had eye trauma or chemicals exposed to their eyes, they need to be seen urgently at the office or in the emergency room.  The team at ENvision Eye Care can help determine the cause of your child’s red eyes and develop the right treatment plan for their condition.  Call the office or schedule an online appointment today for your child’s red eyes.