
Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration services offered in Foster City, CA

Macular degeneration may develop as you age when the macular tissue in your eye gets thinner. Highly skilled ophthalmologist Elena Nguyen, MD, at ENvision Eye Care in Foster City, California, offers screening for macular degeneration to catch it early. Dr. Nguyen can also treat macular degeneration using advanced techniques, such as intravitreal injections. Call ENvision Eye Care or schedule a consultation online today for expert macular degeneration diagnosis and treatment.

Macular Degeneration Q & A

What is macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration affects the macula, which is the central part of your retina which is at the back of the eye. The macula allows you to see clear, detailed images, so your central vision becomes blurred or dark when you get macular degeneration. You might find reading becomes increasingly tricky and your distance vision can suffer as well. 

When macular degeneration first starts developing, you may be unaware of the changes, especially if it only affects one eye. For this reason, attending regular eye exams is vital so Dr. Nguyen can identify the condition early and prevent accelerated vision loss.

Macular degeneration has two forms:


Dry (atrophic) macular degeneration

Dry macular degeneration is the most widespread form of this condition. It develops in later life when the macula thins and sight loss is typically gradual.


Wet (exudative) macular degeneration

Around 10% of people with dry macular degeneration eventually suffer from wet macular degeneration. It develops when abnormal blood vessels form at the back of the eye. These vessels leak blood and fluid, causing more rapid vision loss.


How is macular degeneration diagnosed?

Dr. Nguyen can detect early macular degeneration during your routine eye exam or diagnose it if you start experiencing symptoms. She examines your eyes using a slit lamp, which allows her to see the macula in detail after your eyes have been dilated.

ENvision Eye Care also uses the latest retinal imaging technology to screen for and manage macular degeneration.

How is macular degeneration treated?

Although research indicates that carefully selected nutritional supplements may slow its progress, macular degeneration is incurable.

Dry macular degeneration doesn’t affect your peripheral (side) vision and rarely results in total blindness. However, it can make your central vision so poor you can’t drive, read, or recognize faces. Low vision rehabilitation helps by finding ways for you to adapt.

ENvision Eye Care also offers intravitreal injections into the eye for wet macular degeneration to help stop new blood vessel growth. To maintain the results, you may require intravitreal injections every 4-6 weeks. Some patients partially recover their vision with this treatment.

To learn more about the latest macular degeneration treatments or arrange an eye exam, call ENvision Eye Care or book an appointment online today.