
Eye Exam

Eye Exam

Eye Exam services offered in Foster City, CA

An eye exam identifies problems with your vision that require corrective lenses. It also screens for eye conditions that could threaten your vision. Highly skilled ophthalmologist Elena Nguyen, MD, at ENvision Eye Care performs comprehensive eye exams for people of all ages. Arrange your eye exam today by calling the office in Foster City, California, or booking an appointment online for a prompt, expert eye assessment.

Eye Exam Q & A

Why do I need an eye exam?

An eye exam is essential to check for any sight problems or eye conditions before they worsen and become harder to treat. You also need to know whether your vision requires correction with prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.

While your primary care provider can check for obvious eye or sight problems, they don’t do the in-depth analysis a skilled ophthalmologist like Dr. Nguyen can perform. Visiting ENvision Eye Care regularly for an eye exam is the best way to ensure you have clear vision and to determine if you have one of the many eye problems that could result in blindness or be a sign of other diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes, or even a brain tumor.

When should I have an eye exam?

Dr. Nguyen will advise you on how often you need an eye exam based on your current health, medical and family history, risk factors for specific diseases, and whether you already use corrective lenses.

Anyone who wears prescription eyeglasses should have an eye exam every 1-2 years, although you might need one more frequently if you also have conditions like glaucoma or macular degeneration.

What does an eye exam involve?

When you arrive for your eye exam, Dr. Nguyen and her staff will review your medical and family history and learn about any symptoms you’ve had that could relate to your eye health. You also undergo various tests, including:


Visual acuity

Visual acuity tests determine how well you see at a distance. They include the standard eye chart, where you read lines of letters that get progressively smaller.


Pupil reactivity

A bright light is shined into your eyes to check the pupil’s response. If the pupil in either eye reacts abnormally, it may be a sign of disease in that eye.


Peripheral vision assessment

This test checks your side vision. Peripheral vision problems can indicate glaucoma.


Ocular motility

This test is used to assess eye alignment and see if the muscles that move your eyes are in good working order.



Tonometry assesses your intraocular pressure (IOP) — the pressure level in your eyeballs. Glaucoma develops when you have increased IOP.


Slit Lamp Exam

Dr. Nguyen examines the front of your eyeball in detail, looking for cataracts, corneal scars,  inflammation on the inner eyelids, and other abnormalities. 



Eye drops are used to dilate or enlarge your pupils so that Dr. Nguyen can carefully examine the backs of your eyes, including the retinas and optic nerves.

To avoid eye problems, arrange your eye exam by calling ENvision Eye Care or booking an appointment online today.